
Chief Nolan Wilcox


chief nolan wilcox  1971 - 1993

Nolan Wilcox 001Nolan served in the United States Air Force and joined the Farmington Police Department in 1971. In 1981 he became the first full time detective for the department and was promoted to Sergeant. That year he also led the fifth annual Chester Greenwood parade through town, complete with the earmuffs on the cruiser. In 1989, Nolan became the Chief of Police. In 1990, Nolan changed the department’s badges from a star figure to a shield figure. In 1992, under his leadership, the K-9 drug sniffing program was created as well as the first officer being sent to the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency program for a two-year period. Nolan retired from the Farmington Police Department in 1993 after serving 22 years.

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