
Recycling Brochure

Recycling Brochure pdf

Archies Inc./J&J Disposal also provides trash drop off at the Recycling Facility.

Effective October 4, 2022, Archies will have the following rate changes at the facility:

  1. White 13-gallon trash bags - $2.00 per bag
  2. Above 13-gallon to 30-gallon trash bag -$3.00 per bag
  3. Above 30-gallon to 45-gallon trash bag -$4.00 per bag
  4. $1.00 will be added on for excessively heavy bags

Licensed Haulers

Archie’s/J&J Inc.
1-800-364-2425 (Maine only)
207-364-2425 (out of state)
360 River Road, Mexico, ME 04257
Saturday, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm at the Bulky Waste/Recycling Facility
*Curbside pickup - Contact Archie’s/J&J for charges.
Waste Management
(Commercial only)
1-800-244-8290 (Maine only)
P.O. Box 629
Norridgewock, ME 04957

What to Recycle


Ø Newspapers and magazines
Ø Corrugated Cardboard
Ø High Grade Paper
Ø Mixed Paper
Ø Glass Containers
Ø Colored HDPE (#2) Plastics – Bottles
Ø Natural HDPE (#2) Plastics – Bottles
Ø Steel Cans (tin cans)
Ø Aluminum
Ø Compost
Ø Fluorescent Bulbs (Residences only)
Ø Mercury Containing Products (Residences only)
Ø Batteries
Ø Tires - Antifreeze - White Goods - Waste Oil (Place in designated areas)

The Town of Farmington does not accept household trash.  Local haulers may provide curbside pick up for trash and recyclables.

AVCOG schedules Regional One-Day Collections of Household Hazardous Waste. Click here for the link to their website.

Maine has passed laws that require producer-funded recycling of computer monitors, televisions, batteries, mercury thermostats, and cell phones that contain lead, mercury, and other chemicals harmful to the environment and human health.  Since 2008, the state began requiring man T    ufacturers to provide a $5 incentive for each returned thermostat and share the responsibility for the safe collection and recycling or disposal of their products and packaging.  Click here to read more about what the Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) is doing to promote the safe recycling of hazardous materials. http: 


Swap Shop

The “Swap Shop” is open at Farmington’s Solid Waste/Recycling Facility for Farmington residents and non-resident property owners to drop off items that still have life in them for use by others.  See the hours of operation for scheduled times.  A partial list of “Acceptable Items” and “Items Not Accepted” are as follows: 

ACCEPTABLE ITEMS:  Housewares in working order, sporting goods, small appliances, toys in good condition (no loose or broken parts, tools, etc. 

ITEMS NOT ACCEPTED:  Clothing, upholstered furniture, TV’s, mattresses, refrigerators, etc.

For a complete list of items and/or more information, please contact Philip Hutchins, Public Works Director at (207) 778-2191.

"THANK YOU FOR RECYCLING - Everything Deserves a Second Chance!"

Recycling Homepage

Recycling sign


town swap shop is is now open

Immediate Opening at the Recycling Center  for Part-Time Year-Round employment

Click here to dowload an application



Click here to download the survey


"Recycling is mandatory in Farmington"

The Farmington Public Works Department maintains the Bulky Waste and Recycling Facility.  Thanks to the efforts of our townspeople, the Town of Farmington recycles approximately 50% of its waste which reduces disposal costs and dependence on commercial disposal options.

  • Landfill operation and maintenance – Management and hauling of collected materials, maintenance for DEP permit requirements, and providing an attendant for regular hours of operation.
  • Maintaining brush/leaf/yard waste for composting
  • Residents can drop off items that still have life in them to the “Swap Shop.”

Farmington contracts for recycling with:
Archie's Inc. / J & J Disposal
(800) 364-2425
(207) 364-2425
360 River Road
Mexico, ME 04257

Archies Inc./J&J Disposal also provides trash drop off at the Recycling Facility.

Effective October 4, 2022, Archies will have the following rate changes at the facility:

  1. White 13-gallon trash bags - $2.00 per bag
  2. Above 13-gallon to 30-gallon trash bag -$3.00 per bag
  3. Above 30-gallon to 45-gallon trash bag -$4.00 per bag
  4. $1.00 will be added on for excessively heavy bags


Waste Management

(Commercial only)


1-800-244-8290 (Maine only)

PO Box 629

Norridgewock, ME 04957

Maine Obsolete Pesticide Collection Program

The Maine Board of Pesticides Control and the Maine Department of Environmental Protection are partnering to hold the Annual Obsolete Pesticide Collection Events for Maine residents. This event is free for homeowners, gardeners, and family-owned farms to dispose of excess, unwanted, unusable, or obsolete pesticides and spray adjuvants.

Registration is required to participate. Registration forms are due September 25, 2024. In late October, events are held in Portland, Augusta, Bangor, and Presque Isle. Participants will be notified of the event time, location, and required materials two weeks prior to the events via U.S. mail and email. Click here to be directed to the website for more information.

Household Hazardous Waste

Click here for more information on AVCOG.


Fee Schedule



No Charge


No Charge

White Goods:  (washer, dryer, refrigerator)

7.00 EA


5.00 EA

Carpets - Approx. Size 9’x12’

5.00 EA


4.00 EA

Tires:  Car up to 15”

3.00 EA

Truck up to 19

4.00 EA

Truck, 1000/20 & Up

10.00 EA

Farm Tractor

50.00 EA

Skidder Type

100.00 EA

Loader Type

100.00 EA

Car Tire with Wheel

5.00 EA

Furniture:  Overstuffed chairs, etc.

5.00 EA


8.00 EA

Stereo, Vacuum, etc.

3.00 EA

Universal Waste

TV's, Computer Monitors

5.00/10.00 EA

Fluorescent Light Bulbs - 4 ft.

1.00 EA

Fluorescent Light Bulbs - 8 ft.

2.00 EA

Demolition Debris

Building material, stumps, cement, sheetrock and all non-burnable items

17.00 /CY*


*CY-Cubic Yard

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