Code Enforcement & Planning Office Homepage
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Click here for the State of Maine Statute link.
The Code and Planning Office performs a variety of supervisory, administrative and technical functions involving land, structures, uses, health and life-safety in ensuring compliance with the Town's land use ordinances and State laws administered locally, and also oversees the Town's planning efforts.
Responsibilities of this Office include ensuring the compliance with the following State laws:
- Title 17 Nuisance laws (including "Dangerous Building");
- Title 25 Building Fire Safety laws (including fire protection/prevention);
- Title 22 Health laws (as Local Health Officer); Title 14 Rental laws;
- Title 30-A Land Use laws (including "Subdivision" and "Junkyard");
- NFPA-101 Life-Safety Code (with the Fire Rescue Department), and the National Electrical Code.
This Office is also responsible for coordinating and administrating ongoing planning activities and efforts involving:
- the Town's Planning Board, Appeals Board, Zoning Board, and Revolving Loan Review Board;
- the Comprehensive Plan, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs through the Department of Economic & Community Development (DECD), economic development projects, and the preparation of land-use permits for Town projects;
- local land-use ordinance drafting, adoption, and implementation;
- State compliance reports.
Economic development has always been a priority of this Office and the staff has been dedicated to assisting business people and property owners interested in new business start-ups, as well as the expansion of existing businesses in town. In 1986, the Town established the low-interest Revolving Loan Fund to help finance projects which maximize private sector investment and benefit low and moderate income people, as well as to stimulate job creation and expand business ownership opportunities for Farmington residents. The Town offers 0% financing for façade improvements in the Village Business Historic District. The Code Officer will assist business-people in developing business plans and assembling financial packages, incorporating various funding sources to complement bank financing.
Code and Planning Office Contact Information:
J. Stevens Kaiser
Code/Planning Officer
Farmington Municipal Building
153 Farmington Falls Road
Farmington, ME 04938
Phone: (207) 778-5874
Fax: (207) 778-5871
TDD/TTY: (207) 778-5873
Cindy Gelinas
Planning Assistant
153 Farmington Falls Road
Farmington, ME 04938
Phone: (207) 778-5874
Fax: (207) 778-5871
TDD/TTY: (207) 778-5873
Kate Foster
Code Assistant
153 Farmington Falls Road
Farmington, ME 04938
Phone: (207) 778-5874
Fax: (207) 778-5871
TDD/TTY: (207) 778-5873
Office Hours: Mon., Wed., Thurs. - 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Tues. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CLOSED Friday
Additional Contacts:
Licensed Plumbing Inspector
Andrew Marble
Phone: (207) 779-4858
Click here for more information.
Farmington Water Department
137 High Street
Farmington, ME 04938
Phone: (207) 778-4777
Farmington Falls Standard Water District
Andy Gilson (207) 431.5514
Department of Health and Human Services
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