

Message from the Code Enforcement Officer

RE:  Flood Insurance Rate Map Determinations and Floodplain Data

As a requirement of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and as an ongoing effort to keep the public informed of services, this is an annual reminder to notify you that the Town of Farmington’s Code Enforcement/Planning Office is your best local resource for floodplain data.  I hear from many of you during the year and this outreach is for those of you who may not be aware of the assistance that can be provided.
The Office receives many requests for floodplain determinations and I can provide you with zone and panel information, Town map overlays, certified NFIP/FIRM map fragments, elevations, and profile sheets from the Town’s Flood Study.  In addition, the Town maintains records of over 50 elevation reference marks.
For firms or individuals using this information on a continual basis, full sets of the FEMA/NFIP Flood Insurance Rate Maps and copies of the Flood Insurance Study are kept in the Code Enforcement/Planning Office for your reference.  Feel free to contact me at 207-778-5874 (phone), 207-778-5871 (fax), or email:  .
As you may know, the Town of Farmington has a Floodplain Management Ordinance which regulates development within the 100-year floodplain and I appreciate you checking with me anytime you think a new project may be in or near a flood hazard area.  The Town also maintains Elevation Certificates for all new construction.
This notification and your cooperation help the Town maintain CRS credit, which in turn reduces flood insurance rates.

Links to FEMA and other related sites:

Flood Smart

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