
Zoning Board


It is the jurisdiction of the Zoning Board to review and make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen regarding applications for changes to certain sections of the Zoning Ordinance, and to review and render decisions regarding applications for interpretation and clarification of a proposed use as to where it fits in a particular use category.  Click here to download the Zoning Ordinance (PDF)

This Board is authorized to consider applications for proposed changes related to zoning district boundaries as established in the Zoning Ordinance, Section 11-8.9 A through C (Establishment of Districts) and the official Zoning Map incorporated into the Zoning Ordinance by reference.  This Board also has authorization to consider application regarding changes to land use dimensional requirements such as, but not limited to, lot coverage and set back requirements established in Section 11-8.9E (Dimensional Requirements) of the Zoning Ordinance.  In addition, this Board has authorization to consider applications regarding the alteration, addition, or deletion of categories listed in the Table of Uses in Section 11‑8.9D of the Zoning Ordinance, including changes in the designations regarding the appropriateness of a particular use within a district.

This Board also has the joint responsibility with the Planning Board to periodically review the Comprehensive Plan.

This is a five member Board serving a three year term with two alternates serving a one year term.  This Board meets on an as-need basis.

The Board currently has two openings for alternate members.



Paul Mills, Chairman

Kyle Terrio

Terry Bell

Edwin Provencher

Jennifer Bjorn












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