Public Works Homepage
hours: Monday - Thursday 6:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CLOSED Friday
For emergencies call Franklin County Dispatch at 207-778-6140.
road posting march 3rd
Our Mission at the Farmington Public Works Department is to work effectively and efficiently in serving the community and in collaboration with other departments, by contributing to the safety, health and quality of life of its citizens and visitors.
Major responsibilities of the Public Works Department:
- 120 miles of winter roads
- 90 miles of summer roads
- 9 miles of sidewalk maintenance and repairs
- General maintenance of the right of way – Pavement markings, sweeping, roadside mowing, curb repair, street signs, ditching, and pothole patching.
- Capital project support –Project management and cost estimating; as well as performing work not contracted like loam and grass seeding, final clean up, adjusting and installing culverts and drainage structures, sidewalk construction, and hand placed asphalt paving.
- Equipment maintenance and repair – Operation of the town garage, regular maintenance and repair of all fleet vehicles and equipment.
Geographic Information Service (GIS)
The Town of Farmington's Geographic Information System (GIS) provides access to digital Tax Parcel data as well as other GIS data layers and ortho imagery. Click here to access the online link.