Another milestone completed in 2013 was the Whittier Road Bank Stabilization Project. There is not enough room in this report to personally thank everyone involved in making this project a success. Two years of permitting, conference calls, meetings, and planning went into this project. Because of the Sandy River now being within the Atlantic salmon watershed, we were at times strained to understand all that was involved. The Board of Selectmen, Town Manager, Richard Davis, and also our State Representatives and Senators were all important in keeping the line of communication open with all the federal and local agencies. Franklin County Emergency Management, Maine Emergency Management, and Federal Emergency Management were extremely diligent in helping us obtain federal funding for this project. Our Town adviser, Jones and Associates, came up with great ideas for the project. We received good advice from the Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Fish and Wildlife, and were able to coordinate with Jones and Associates to come up with a first of its kind project in Maine. The U. S. Forestry Service - Team Enterprise came on board to oversee the project and the deadline date of September 30
th to be above the normal high water mark was met. EL Vining & Son Inc. provided new equipment and excellent operators. I thank everyone involved.