
Ordinances and Policies


Click here to download the PDF of the Town of Farmington Comprehensive Plan 2015 .

The following links are to downloadable PDF maps referenced in the Town of Farmington Comprehensive Plan 2015.


Zoning - M-1 Shoreland Zoning - M-11
AVCOG 100 Year Flood Plain - M-2 Wellhead Protection - M-12
National Wetlands Inventory - M-3 Aquifers - M-13
Hydric Soils - M-4 County Population Change - M-14
Franklin County MDOT - M-5 Infrastructure - M-15
Water Resource & Riparian Habitats - M-6 High Value Plant & Animal Habitats - M-16
Undeveloped Habitat Blocks - M-7 Wetland Characterization - M-17
Priority Trust Species Habitats - M-8 Building a Regional Landscape - M-18
Historic Map - M-9 Archaeological Sites - M-19
Agricultural Resources - M-10 Aerial - M-20


The following links are to downloadable PDF documents that detail the ordinances and policies for the Town of Farmington.

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