
About the Department

The Farmington Fire Rescue Department is comprised of 29 active members that provide fire related emergency services for the Town of Farmington on a 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and 365 days a year basis.

There is a fulltime Fire Chief with office hours Monday- Friday 8am to 5pm. Four fulltime firefighters on duty 7 days a week 12 hours a day from 7am to 7pm. Also Monday-Friday 8am to 430pm the department has a per diem firefighter on duty as well. 

 Our apparatus consists of two Pumpers (Engine 1 & Engine 2), One Tower Ladder(Tower 3), One Squad Truck(Squad 1), one Rescue/Air Truck(Rescue 1), one Communications vehicle(Com1), one Chief’s vehicle(Car 1), a Hazmat trailer, a Gator which is used as a quick attack on wood/brush fires and in the winter as a rescue unit with tracks. 

From time to time citizens ask what the Fire Rescue Department does in its job related activities. A list of tasks that the Department is called upon to provide, depending on the emergency is as follows: We answer fire alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, chimney fires, forest and grass fires, smoke investigation, structure and motor vehicle fires, trees on power lines, motor vehicle crashers, and extrication, ATV crashes, plane and boat accidents, cold and swift water rescue, high and low angle rescues with ropes, snowmobile and wilderness rescues. We assist other agencies with bomb scares, haz-mat, and trench rescue incidents, and lost people. Each of the above mentioned details involve the need for continuous training for personnel and updating of equipment. Our Department’s on-going training program is supported by local and State instructors.

We have several members that have had training in EMS, are Haz-Mat Technicians, and most are Fire Fighter I & II State certified. We are actively involved with fire inspections and fire prevention actives. We have education programs for the local schools, congregate housing, and local businesses. Tours, lectures and special classes have been held or can be arranged if needed.

Thank you for your interest and continued support of the Fire Rescue Department and its safety programs.

Farmington Fire Station
153 Farmington Falls Rd
Farmington, ME 04938
(207) 778-3235

Farmington Falls Fire Station
114 Philbrick St.
Farmington Falls, ME 04940

Farmington Fire Rescue Dispatch

DMC Firewall is a Joomla Security extension!