
Vital Record Access


Access to birth, death and marriage records will now be limited to the person on the record, the person’s spouse, registered domestic partner, mother, father, guardian, descendant (child, grandchild) attorney or agent, certain other family members*, genealogists/agent, officiant, informant, or funeral establishment. Individuals requesting records will need to provide proof of their eligibility to obtain the record (proof of lineage, certificate of domestic partnership, marriage license, guardianship papers, notarized statement from family, etc.).

Persons requesting to purchase copies of vital records must complete a request form which declares their name and connection with the person who is listed on the record. Anyone purchasing a certified copy must show proof of identification: driver’s license, passport or other government issued picture identification card. If one of these is not available, the requestor will need to show two items from the following list: utility bills, bank statements car registration, copy of income tax return, personal check with address, a previously issued vital record, letter from government agency requesting vital record, Department of Corrections ID card, Social Security card, DD214, hospital birth worksheet, license/rental agreement, pay stub or W-2, voter registration card, Medicare/Mainecare insurance card, private or public school photo ID, college photo ID, employee photo ID, or a disability card from SSA. These identification requirements apply to both certified and non-certified copies of vital records.

Click here for a downloadable PDF request form.

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