Voting and Elections
municipal elections and annual town meeting
Community Center 127 Middle Street - Monday, March 24, 2025
municipal elections are from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - CLICK HERE TO download THE RSU #9 WARRANT
Annual Town Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. - CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE 2025 WARRANT
absentee ballots are available
Ballots are available to vote on the following:
- RSU #9 School Referendum
- 2 Select Board Members 3-Year Term
- 2 School Board Members 3-Year Term
- 1 School Board Member 1-Year Term
Dear Voter:
All ballots that are mailed to you need to be returned, even if you do not cast a vote on the ballots.
PLEASE SIGN THE BACK OF YOUR ENVELOPE in black ink where it says, “Voter Signature”. We have highlighted the signature line on the envelope to assist you.
Your ballot must be returned in the envelope provided, and you MUST SEAL THE ENVELOPE before returning it.
You have multiple options for returning your voted ballot:
- You can bring it back to the Town Office during business hours. Please check to see if your signature is needed on the absentee ballot application before leaving. Give it to the Town Clerk.
- Place it in the secure drop box (available 24-hours a day) to the right of the Town Office entrance, or
- Mail it to the address already marked on the front of your envelope. If you mail your ballot, please make sure to use the current postage amount.
If you have any questions, please call the Town Office at (207) 778-6539.
Where do I vote?
All Farmington residents vote at the Farmington Community Center located at 127 Middle Street.
When can I vote?
Besides Election Day, Farmington voters can vote early, in-person, prior to an election.
Absentee Ballots can be requested by any of the following:
- Voter may call the Town Office at 778-6539
- Downloading this form, and put in drop box outside the Town Office or mail to the Town Clerk.
- Visit the Town Clerk’s office during regular business hours Monday - Friday 9 A.M. - 5 P.M.
- Order online at
- Regular absentee ballots are available until 5:00 P.M. on the fourth business day prior to any election.
- After that, it's by special circumstances during the three business days including election day.
The dates and times will be posted prior to the election so that voters can plan accordingly.
Where can I register to vote?
Voter Registration is available for new voters or for existing Farmington voters to change their address or name as follows:
- Monday - Friday 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. at the the Town Clerks Office or on Election Day at the Farmington Community Center located at 127 Middle Street.
- New voters must bring proof of identity
- New voters to Farmington must bring proof of residency
Town of Farmington Sign Ordinance
Click here to download the memo for Signs within the Right-Of-Way (R/W) and Urban Compact Zone.
Click here to download the Town of Farmington Sign Ordinance.