
Hunting and Fishing License


The Town Clerk’s Office issues hunting and fishing licenses for Maine residents and non-residents.

A valid Maine driver’s license (or positive indentification and an Affidavit of Residency) is required to purchase a resident license.  Proof of a prior hunting license or a certificate of completion of a hunter safety course is required to obtain a hunting license.  Non-resident licenses also require positive identification.

For more information on licensing requirements, current costs, and regulations, go to

The Hunters for the Hungry Program is an opportunity for hunters to help families in need while participating in a traditional Maine outdoor sport. Donations provide meat to food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters. This effort is successful because of the dedication and generosity of Maine hunters and their support of organizations working to end hunger in Maine.

Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Commissioner Walt Whitcomb noted that since its establishment in 1996, the Hunters for the Hungry Program has provided thousands of nutritious meals to people across the state.

"Since 1996, Maine sportsmen and women have contributed to a program that provides nutritious meals to people across Maine," said Whitcomb. "The Hunters for the Hungry Program puts high quality, native protein on the tables of Maine families."

The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry distributes many types of donations to food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters. The Hunters for the Hungry Program is part of the Department's Emergency Food Assistance Program. It is done in cooperation with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife's wardens, Maine State Troopers and hunters, all working towards a common goal of helping fellow Mainers.

The program accepts bear, deer and moose donations. Road kill donations are also accepted, provided the meat is not damaged. Hunters do not pay for the processing of donated meat. Meat processing costs are paid for by the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry or the charity that receives the food. Hunters choosing to keep their game can still donate a few pounds to the program. Meat processors that are interested in getting involved with the program and learning how it works should call 207-287-7513. For more information, to donate, or to get connected to a Hunters for the Hungry participating meat processor call 207-287-7513. The program also has a Facebook page:

For more information about The Emergency Food Assistance Program:

For more information about the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, go to:

Voting and Elections




municipal elections and annual town meeting

Community Center 127 Middle Street - Monday, March 24, 2025 

absentee ballots are available

Ballots are available  to vote on the following:

  • RSU #9 School Referendum
  • 2 Select Board Members 3-Year Term
  • 2 School Board Members 3-Year Term
  • 1 School Board Member 1-Year Term

Dear Voter:


All ballots that are mailed to you need to be returned, even if you do not cast a vote on the ballots.

PLEASE SIGN THE BACK OF YOUR ENVELOPE in black ink where it says, “Voter Signature”. We have highlighted the signature line on the envelope to assist you.

Your ballot must be returned in the envelope provided, and you MUST SEAL THE ENVELOPE before returning it.

You have multiple options for returning your voted ballot: 

  • You can bring it back to the Town Office during business hours.  Please check to see if your signature is needed on the absentee ballot application before leaving.  Give it to the Town Clerk.
  • Place it in the secure drop box (available 24-hours a day) to the right of the Town Office entrance, or
  • Mail it to the address already marked on the front of your envelope.  If you mail your ballot, please make sure to use the current postage amount.

If you have any questions, please call the Town Office at (207) 778-6539.

Where do I vote?

All Farmington residents vote at the Farmington Community Center located at 127 Middle Street.

When can I vote?

Besides Election Day, Farmington voters can vote early, in-person, prior to an election.  

Absentee Ballots can be requested by any of the following:

  • Voter may call the Town Office at 778-6539
  • Downloading this formand put in drop box outside the Town Office or mail to the Town Clerk.
  • Visit the Town Clerk’s office during regular business hours Monday - Friday 9 A.M. - 5 P.M.
  • Order online at 
  • Regular absentee ballots are available until 5:00 P.M. on the fourth business day prior to any election. 
  • After that, it's by special circumstances during the three business days including election day. 

The dates and times will be posted prior to the election so that voters can plan accordingly.

Where can I register to vote?

Voter Registration is available for new voters or for existing Farmington voters to change their address or name as follows:

  • Monday - Friday 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. at the the Town Clerks Office or on Election Day at the Farmington Community Center located at 127 Middle Street.
  • New voters must bring proof of identity
  • New voters to Farmington must bring proof of residency

Town of Farmington Sign Ordinance

Click here to download the memo for Signs within the Right-Of-Way (R/W) and Urban Compact Zone.

Click here to download the Town of Farmington Sign Ordinance.






Dog License


The State of Maine requires that dogs be licensed in the town of residence of the owner. Each dog six months of age or older must be licensed.

Dog licenses expire on December 31st of each year. An additional late fee of $25 will be imposed after January 31st of each year.

The cost at the City Clerk’s office is $6.00 for an altered dog, $11.00 for an unaltered one. To receive a license, dog owners must show a State of Maine rabies certificate, a spay or neuter certificate, and provide your dog’s veterinarian’s name and phone number (if this information isn’t already on file at the Clerk’s office). 

To register your dog online, the following link will take you to the State's website: 




Death Certificate

Each City or Town in Maine records and maintains death records for individuals who died in that municipality or who were a resident of that municipality at the time of death. (If you are not certain of the Place of Death, you may call the Office of Vital Statistics for the State of Maine in Augusta at (207) 287-1919 or 1-888-664-9491.)  

The following information is helpful in locating an individual's record:

  • NAME

In person:

Certified Copies of Death Certificates are available at the town hall during normal business hours (9a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday)  The first copy costs $15.00. Additional copies are $6.00 each. The requestor must fill out a downloadable request form, provide proof of identity and proof of lineage, if necessary.

 Request by mail:

Copies may also be ordered by mail, with the above information and the required fee, to the address below.   The person requesting the record must include a photocopy of proof of identification and proof of lineage, if necessary. Make checks or money orders payable Town of Farmington.  Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for use in mailing the copy to you.

Town of Farmington
Attn: Town Clerk
153 Farmington Falls Road
Farmington, ME  04938


Marriage Certificate

The Town Clerk is responsible for issuing and recording marriage licenses.   In Maine, application for a Marriage License must be made in the municipality of residence of either the Bride/Spouse or Groom/Spouse. If the applicants are not residents of Maine, they may apply in any Town or City in Maine.

The current fee for a Marriage License Application is $40. Application is made by both the Bride and the Groom. Each must show proof of identity (a driver’s license or state I.D.) and, if there have been previous marriages for either applicant, Certified Documents of Death or Divorce of the most recent marriage must also be presented.

Marriage Licenses are valid for 90 days from the date of application.  Click here to download a marriage application form.

There is no longer a waiting period to obtain a marriage license. Once the application is complete, the Marriage License can be issued. A Member of the Clergy, a Maine Notary Public, or an Attorney (licensed in Maine) can perform marriages.

Once the ceremony has taken place and the officiant has returned the completed license to the issuing clerk, a certified copy of the marriage license may be requested. Fees for certified copies are: $15.00 for the first copy and $6.00 for each additional copy. Certified copies are required to change the Bride’s name on many documents such as Social Security Cards, Driver’s Licenses, and bank accounts, to name a few.

The Town Office is located at 153 Farmington Falls Road and hours for marriage licenses are from 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Town Clerk may be reached by phone at (207) 778-6539 for more information.


Each City or Town in Maine records and maintains marriage records for individuals who either applied for their license there and/or were married there. (If you are not certain of the Place of Marriage, you may call the Office of Vital Statistics for the State of Maine in Augusta at (207) 287-3184).  

The following information is helpful in locating a marriage record:

  • RESIDENCE OF BRIDE/SPOUSE and GROOM/SPOUSE (at time of application for Marriage License)

In person:

Certified Copies of Marriage Certificates are available at the Municpal Building during the hours of 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday)   The first copy costs $15.00. Additional copies are $6.00 each.    The requestor must fill out a downloadable request form, provide proof of identity and proof of lineage, if necessary.  Click here to download the marriage certificate request form.  

By mail:

Copies may also be ordered by mail, with the above information and the required fee, to the address below.   The person requesting the record must include a photocopy of proof of identification and proof of lineage, if necessary. Make checks or money orders payable Town of Farmington.  Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for use in mailing the copy to you.

Request by mail:

Town of Farmington
Attn: Town Clerk
153 Farmington Falls Road
Farmington, ME  04938



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