
Office Assistant Jocelyn Kelly


Office Assistant Jocelyn Kelly


Jocelyn grew up in Avon and graduated from Mt. Abram High School in 2005.  She attended the University of Maine at Farmington graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree majoring in Psychology and minoring in coaching and French in 2009.  In 2013, Jocelyn began her career as a certified telecommunicator operator with the Lewiston Auburn Communication Center and was a certified trainer as well as an acting supervisor until she resigned in November of 2021.  Jocelyn was awarded the Silent Hero Award, for dispatchers who go above and beyond the call of duty, in 2014 from the Maine Chapter of the National Emergency Number Association.  Jocelyn joined the Farmington Police Department in April of 2019 as a part-time office assistant.  Jocelyn enjoys the outdoors and cooking.

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