
Chief Jack Peck, Jr.


chief jack peck, jr.  1989 - 2020

Jack Peck 001Jack graduated from Mt. Blue High School and started his police career at Cape Elizabeth Police Department in 1984. Since that time, he served as a corrections officer, patrol deputy, and was one of only two officers from Farmington to serve undercover as an MDEA agent. At the time, from June 1992-June 1994, Jack had the most undercover buys of anyone in the state in “Operation Jackpot” with MDEA. In 1995 he was promoted to detective, in 1996 he was a Sergeant, 1998 Lieutenant and in 2010 he became Chief until his retirement in 2020. He served on the Maine Chiefs of Police Association and became their president in 2019. Jack is the longest serving employee of Farmington Police Department with 31 years. Jack’s awards through the Farmington Police Department include employee of the year in 1997 and 2007 as well as a commendation award, good conduct award and educational award (BA).

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